Sunday, February 12, 2012

Well i'm back,still on the hunt for my evasive MSF Rank. I've been getting alot of SS rankings though.I had taken two days off from playing video games all together,just to give myself a breather an quit slipping into my familiar routine.I have to say it helped alot i've picked up on my weaknesses in my personal life an have addressed them.I'm picking up a Arcade stick later this year from a friend of mine who makes them.Another goal i've set for myself.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

"Players Names"
Makoto: domm09
Elena: Pyteria
"Two XS's in one day"
That's right everyone,for the first time ever i've gotten two XS's on the same day. I apologize for the late post,I was still in pursuit of my elusive MSF which I haven't got yet. After getting my XS a friend off of my PSN list wanted to train,so I agreed an sparred with him for awhile,then more people came into the Player lobby an the fights were on! One was a Makoto player the other a Elena fighter,after going back an forth with them for awhile my friend left an I stayed on,their play styles were different than what I run across in Ranked fights,an the Makoto player was able to get a "S++" on me!!( The first time that's ever happened to me.) Overall a very good night I had my abilities tested, got (2) XS's,an someone got an S++ on me. Looks like i've got more training to do.

Brazil Ansatsuken Master: The XS+ level

Saturday, February 4, 2012

 Got my eighth XS,today. The match was poetry in motion. I utilized all my skills for that win,so now i'm wondering: "What does it take to get MSF Rank?"

Brazil Ansatsuken Master: The XS+++ level

Here it is people,how I got good at parrying.
  1. Select someone with a well-rounded move set. (I personally prefer picking Akuma.)
  2. Start with the single hit parry(projectile)
  3. Then move up to multi-hit projectiles (The reason for this is to learn the timing of parrying)
  4. Finally your ready for the Super Art.
That is my basic approach to parrying. I also simulate a match in Training mode to get good in certain situations. Also doing Air parrying is different cause the timing is somewhat different. Go through a character's whole movelist if you prefer,an remember you won't parry ever move in a real match. This is just to give you more options in a fight.
Ok,everyone here is the training program I put myself through in Thirdstrike.
  1. Know your fighter's range. Some people forget that their fighter has a longer range than their opponent's,matches are won on this principle.
  2. B&B combos..(aka Bread & Butter combos). A fighter's b&b combos are the tried and true ones that everyone mostly knows about. (Example: Akuma's Crouching MK into Gou-Hadouken)
  3. GO THROUGH ARCADE MODE! I can't stress this enough,people overlook this feature an it's a shame because going through Arcade mode lets you get a "FEEL" for your character or any fighter really.(Me personally I go through it aiming to get S RANK on each bout,I can get a few with Sean haven't gotten any with anyone else.)
  4. Watch how other people play with your fighter. This has two effects,(1.) You get to know that person's play style.(2) You get to pick up on some things you may not have discovered yet. 
  5. Develop your own play style! This should be the reason you play,your bringing something new to the table an its always refreshing to fight someone with a different take on a character.
Remember there are more tips than these.This isn't the "BE ALL END ALL" list,when more tips come to me i'll post them. Coming up next: "PARRY TRAINING"!

(Personal note: I developed my style from scratch in the arcades,an refined it over the years.I'm more aggressive than when I first started out.)

Friday, February 3, 2012

"Quote for the day!"
Knowledge is a weapon.
Use is Power.
Slipped my mind the version of Street Fighter III:Thirdstrike, i'm playing is the online edition for the Playstation 3. So the full title would be: Street Fighter III:Thirdstrike Online edition.(Mouthful isn't it.)
I'll be posting my tips an how I train in the next few days.
I have other videos not in a series an some in a series that need to be expanded .
(Hat Trick) explanation: Is a hockey term used when one scorer gets three goals in succession without interruption. This popped into my head after winning my first (3) victories against one opponent,up till then i'd never fought the same person consecutively online. 
My video series.
I have ALOT of videos posted on Youtube in my opinion. I separate them in series some are dedicated against specific fighters,an so without further ado here are the series titles:
  1. Brazil Ansatsuken Master
  2. Student vs Master (vs Ken)
  3. Changing of the Guard (vs Ryu)
  4. Brazil vs China (vs Chun-Li)
  5. Victory Street
  6. The COMEBACK Chronicles
  7. 0,000th Victory (Milestones in victories)
  8. aka The Comeback Kid
  9. Back 2 Back victories
  10. Hat Trick
  11. "2012" (My personal countdown to my next XS) 
  12. The Nail biter episode
  13. vs The pretend Emperor (Urien)
  14. Assassination By Basketball
  15. Putting in parry work
  16. vs Pro Wrestler (Hugo)
  17. Schooling these kids
  18. Ansatsuken vs Rindoukan (Makoto)
  19. MSF Rank
I play an "AGGRESSIVE" Sean,i'm a "risk-taker" with my play style,cause Sean doesn't have many safe options. I make them safe by throwing my opponents off an confusing them in "RUSH-DOWN mode". I make it appear as seamless as possible so their ONLY option is to 1. Out rush me or 2. Find a break in my play style an capitalize on it.  
I've heard that there are Rankings above MSF,i've never seen them. But if they're achievable i'll get them in time.  The order of my XS's are from oldest-newest. The (+) on the rankings like: SS+,SS++ are just fillers in between the main order.
Ranking Order
  1. MSF
  2. XS
  3. SS
  4. S
  5. A
  6. B
  7. C
  8. D
  9. E

(evasiveTJ) Got this XS+ in a Player Lobby.

The First XS+!!



Third XS Victory!!!

(evasiveTJ) ANOTHER XS Victory!!


Thursday, February 2, 2012

A few things you should know.
                                                1. I am a Sean player
                                                2. XS is a VERY RARE rank,there are only (7) people
                                                   who have achieved that rank.
                                                3. I currently hold the most XS's at the moment. (7)